Highnam Church Of England Primary Academy

Inspiring Everyone to Shine

Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872


Christian Distinctiveness

How do we fulfil the Church of England’s vision for education at Highnam?

At Highnam C of E Primary Academy, we are deeply Christian in character by living out our School Christian Values daily. Collective Worship is at the core of our school day which sets the tone for the behaviour and ethos of our school family. Our Christian values of generosity, compassion, courage, forgiveness,  friendship, respect, thankfulness, trust, perseverance, justice, service and truthfulness underpin and enhance everything we ALL do within the community and fellowship of our school. One value is the focus for each term and this is the same focus across the Primary QuEST multi-academy trust.. Worship is focused around the relevant value with bible stories of Christ's teachings of this value shared; this is then followed up in the classrooms by teachers and opportunities are provided for families to explore together at home (Home School Values). These values are displayed around the school and a Celebratory Collective Worship is held every Friday and certificates are given out to children who have been seen demonstrating the value.

We seek to promote our shared values based on Christian teaching throughout our pupils' school life so that children come to make choices based on Christian values. These values inform the schools, vision, aims and ethos, the design of the curriculum, all policies the planning of spiritual and moral development as well as the school’s management and governance.

We have strong links with our local vicar, Reverend Heather and the local Church, Holy Innocents, which we use on many occasions, R.E lessons, Collective Worship and to mark key dates in the Christian calendar. We welcome visitors into school to contribute to R.E lessons, Collective Worship and to mark key dates in the Christian calendar.

We embrace the Church of England’s vision which is deeply Christian and proclaims Jesus’ promise of “Life in all its fullness” (John 10:10) through the four elements of community, dignity, wisdom and hope.

We display our values in the hall. These canvases were created by a parent of the school, Mrs Bridges, and were inspired by 12 designs that the pupils created.