Masterpiece Workshop20 June 2019 (by admin) |
Earlier this week we were visited by Shell from iSingPOP to lead a special workshop for Year 5 and 6. We loved it because of the fun way the session taught us about God and Jesus. We also loved the games we played and the lessons we learnt showed a good meaning behind it. We had a diagram that was of a tree and there were boxes that we had to dill in about ourselves and who we are. There were also five roots on the bottom of the tree and we filled them in with mottos and a verse from the Bible. The first root said that 'We are loved', the second said 'We have a purpose', the third said 'We are made to shine', fourth 'We are a masterpiece' and the fifth one said 'I am free to be me'.
Some of us got to go up to a picture to tell the class how much they thought it was worth but it was actually a mirror. Before hand, we learnt a song called 'Wonderfully Made'. We having been singing the song all through the week!