Years 3 and 4 Visit Caerleon18 June 2018 (by admin) |
News from an exciting trip to South Wales
On Wednesday 13th June, pupils from Years 3 and 4 headed to Caerleon. Caerleon was the site of one of Britain's three permanent Roman Legionary Fortresses. Once we arrived we split into groups. Some of us headed with tour guide Bob and visited the amphitheatre and barracks. We imagined we were in the amphitheatre as gladiators or animals as the crowds roared on their support. Next we visited the baths where many years ago people would meet to bathe and socialise. We got to see the games they would play and even a hologram of where the original baths would have been. After some lunch we concluded our tour with a visit to the National Roman Museum. We were amazed to see the wide range of artefacts which have been collected from the site over many years.
A big thank you to our parent helpers for their help on the trip and to the Year 3/4 team for organising such a memorable visit.