News from the Skillzone Trip - Written by Lucia and Tiella

On the 12th of March 2018, Year 5 went on a life changing trip to Skill Zone. We arrived at the centre at 1:00pm to warm welcomes from the volunteers. We were then guided to a meeting room where we were all given a pebble like gadgets to take a safety quiz. One of the questions was: if your mate dared you to jump in a lake what would you do? The safest answer was to refuse to do it!
After a while, we were split into groups of seven and eight, accompanied by a responsible adult, guide and off we went into the centre! First up was the dark alleyway. The guide asked the pupils present if they would walk down a dark alleyway alone for a shortcut, so they wouldn’t be late to meet their friends.
Next we all entered the alleyway to the sight of loads of graphic art. Next we peered round the corner to feast are eyes on a fake man lighting a cigarette some of the pupils ran back the way they came – it was very eerie and dark so when Emily, who was their guide, asked the question again the majority of pupils answered No they would not go down an alleyway on their own.
Next up was the pretend park. Emily asked the pupils to take a seat on the wooden bench. She then explained what to do if you were alone or with a friend and a stranger asked you for your phone what would you do? The advice was not to say anything to the stranger, just throw it into the nearest bush so you have time to run away and tell a safe adult.
So if we’re on our own in the park and approached by someone wanting to take our mobile phone from us we will throw it in the bushes and run to find help.
Next we looked at the hazards in the house: we looked in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room. We also saw a room which had been on fire for five minutes it made us realise that fire spreads very quickly.
Afterwards we learnt how to cross a road correctly. We needed to wait for the green man – check if there is no traffic and then cross.
Finally, we went inside a double decker bus and we learnt what to do if someone was harassing us on a bus. These skills will hopefully never be needed but will help us in the future.
We had such a great time at Skillzone we asked Mr Dean if we could go back the next day!
Written by Lucia and Tiella