News from the Year 5 trip

On Wednesday 7th June, Year 5 pupils went to Tewksbury Sailing Club to try their hands at Bell Boating in preparation for the forthcoming Regatta!
Following a brief talk by Andy- the instructor- the children, Miss Owen, Mrs Townsend, Mrs Bottomley and Ms Chrystal put on their life jackets and apprehensively clambered into the boats – we were off (slowly)!
At first, each boat meandered cautiously down the river, getting used to the steering and the rhythm of rowing. Our skills were tested early on, when we had to manoeuvre the boats through the archway of a low bridge as well as steering clear of the moored barges.
After successfully negotiating a 3-point turn (in Mrs Townsend’s boat’s case – a many point turn) into the lock, we all enjoyed experiencing the lowering of the water levels so that we could navigate the next body of water. This stretch proved difficult as there was a much stronger current and cross-wind making the rowing much harder.
As we reached the point where the Avon met the Severn, we were greeted by a larger passenger boat. Mrs Townsend’s boat had just managed to detach themselves from the water-side’s undergrowth, when they had to suddenly back paddle back into the undergrowth as they caught sight of the big boat – much to the amusement of Mrs Bottomley and Miss Owen.
Time for a well-earned lunch!
The last part of the day allowed us to row down the opposite stretch of river, however rowing back to the jetty was a little trickier! Strong winds and an opposing current meant that every team needed to work together to make their way back.
A very enjoyable day had out by all. Well done for working so well together, Year 5!