Highnam Church Of England Primary Academy

Inspiring Everyone to Shine

Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872


Decodable Readers

Decodable readers enable children to practise the literacy skills they are learning and thereby gain fluency in reading, all while they enjoy the colourfully-illustrated stories. They are closely matched to the Sounds-Write units and therefore our phonics teaching. Your child will be given a decodable reader once they have started phonics in reception which supports the practise of sounds previously taught within school. Children will continue to use these throughout year 1 until they are ready to progress onto the Accelerated Reader system. 

All children will receive 2 decodable reader books per week and are encouraged to read each 3 times.

Number of read Skill practised
Read 1


Decoding - using their phonological knowledge to segment and blend words.

Read 2


To read with fluency and expression

Read 3


Comprehension - understanding what they've read


This system is to ensure that children are learning to read using their phonological knowledge and is only part of their reading diet. Children should be encouraged to listen to and read other high-quality texts alongside an adult.


These are some examples of the books that your child(ren) may bring home.

Dandelion Launchers

 These books should be read 3 times before being changed.

Dandelion Readers

These books should be read 3 times before being changed.

Sounds-Write Books

These books should be read at least once before being changed.

BookLife Books

These books should be read at least once before being changed.